Association Internationale de la Boulangerie Industrielle (AIBI) International Association of Plant Bakers (AIBI)
- Established: 1956 in Paris
- Mission: Advocating the common interests of plant bakeries at the level of the European and international institutions and providing information services for its members.
- Members: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany , Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom
- President: Jean-Manuel Lévêque, France
- Vice-Presidents
- Guido Vanherpe, Belgium
- Kari Meltovaara, Finland
- Treasurer: Tobias Schuhmacher, Germany
- Secretary General: Didier Jans
- Bodies: General Assembly, Board of Directors, Technical Committee, Communication Committee
- Congresses / Meetings:
- AIBI Congress (biennial)
- AIBI General Assembly
- AIBI Board of Directors Meeting
- AIBI Technical Committee